Open source


We ♥ open source both for its philosophy and the pragmatic results it brings to our project.

Some of the open source projects we regularly use:

  • Content management systems
    • WordPress - 40% of websites out there. Extendable, strong community.
    • Grav - This site runs on Grav. Super light-weight & fast.
  • PHP web development frameworks
    • Laminas - The good old Zend framework.
    • Symfony - The best PHP framework... and it is french :-)
  • Web hosting - LAMP, of course
    • Linux - The famous operating system.
    • Apache - The famous server solution.
    • MySQL - The famous database solution.
    • PHP - The famous coding language.
  • Development & project management
    • GitLab - The code-first project management solution.
    • Redmine - A great lean project management solution (tickets, wiki, agile board, etc).
    • GIT - The best distributed version control system.

Other open source solutions we have used in the past:

  • Node.js + Vue.js - The Javascript powerhouses.
  • Talend - The leader in Enterprise Buses and ETLs.
  • SugarCRM - A open-source SalesForce-like.
  • Ibexa Content - Enterprise-level CMS, the good old eZPublish.